Church Blog (Page 47)

Christmas Service 2020

Hi all, Christmas service this week will be through a live online service on Zoom.Recorded sermon will be posted here: Christmas 2020 Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:1-15 Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Online Giving Page

Divine Revolution: Choosing Life

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 7:13-27 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Jesus’s examples of 2 different gates, 2 different trees, 2 followers, and 2 types of builders are difficult images, because Jesus presents that there are only two choices, his way or the way of destruction.Do…

Divine Revolution: Treasure and Worry

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Our relationship with God can be said to be seen in how we relate with money and possessions. Read Matthew 19:21-23.Would you be able to part with your earthly treasure so that you gain heavenly…

2020 Year End Offering Cutoff

–          Offerings received by Sunday December 20th via e-transfer and mailed cheque will be counted towards 2020 giving. Anything received from Monday December 21st onwards will be counted towards 2021 giving. –          Donation records from January 1st – November 22nd, 2020 will be posted on the church website by offering number for reference, including amounts given in person, e-transfer and mailed…

Missions Month 2020 – First Sunday

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Are you motivated for mission? Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Sermon:Due to the content / nature of his sharing, please do not save or share the video, nor mention his name online. Thank you! Announcements: Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:•…

Divine Revolution: The Lord’s Prayer

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. What is your understanding of prayer?If you were taught to pray, how were you taught? 2. What did you think of Jesus’s prayer in Matthew 6:7-13 prior to the study?How did you understand it?Did you…