
English Ministry:

Trek (Grades 7 to 10)
2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, 6:30pm-8:30pm @ church
– Trek fellowship brings youth together to learn about Christ in a close community. We meet twice a month for worship, heart-to-heart chats, Bible study discussions, and activities such as bowling, movie viewings, and board game nights.
Contact: Pastor Helena (Helena.shum@bpgc.org) or Mitchell Chau

Ark (Grade 11 to Post-Secondary students)
Every Sunday, 11:30am-12:45pm @ church
– Ark fellowship provides a space for post-secondary students to share in common experiences, explore Biblical truths, and discover how God is working in their lives.
Contact: Jeneen Tso or Pastor Eugene (Eugene.so@bpgc.org)

Small Groups
– Various days of the week
Contact: Pastor Andy (Andy.hy@bpgc.org) or Pastor Eugene (Eugene.so@bpgc.org)