
This is for announcements and other news

Pastoral Staff Updates

Pastor Helena will be returning from her maternity leave on December 4th as our Youth Group Counsellor & Pastor. This is a new part-time role with reduced hours of 10hrs/wk. She will focus on supporting, training and building up youth leaders as well as collaborate with them to care for the youth in our church.…

Winter Conference 2024

This year, the 62nd Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference will be held in Richmond on December 27-31 with the theme: “Living in God’s Presence” Speaker: Rev./Dr. Ken Shigematsu. There are also workshops, seminars, praise and worship, fellowship, group activities, etc. Registration is now open, and the deadline for the early bird offer is August 31.…

Fire Drill on July 28

On Sunday July 28, a fire drill will take place around 9:10am & 12:30pm during Sunday worship. When the alarm rings, please calmly exit the building using the following instructions: The front four rows of the sanctuary congregation can exit through the front side door of the sanctuary, while the remaining congregation can exit through…

Gym Renovation Project Updates

Earlier this week, the gym renovation team had a meeting with the contractor, and is certain that the project will not begin anytime before October. The exact date is still to be determined. Thank you for everyone’s patience and prayers for this project. 

Welcome Form for Newcomers

If you are new to our English worship services at Burnaby Pacific Grace Church and would like to stay connected, we invite you to scan the QR code below to fill out a brief Welcome Form. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk with the English Ministry welcome team (Valerie, George, Andrea,…