Posts from September 2016

Short Term Missions Trip Reflection

In August 2016, Daniel went on a short term missions trip to the interior of BC. He went with a small team from BPGC’s Chinese Ministry. Back in June when I was asked by the mission board to go on this trip, I was hesitant and doubted my usefulness. The purpose of the short term…

From the Desk of Pastor Ryan

Good Morning BPGC, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Wow the last few weeks around the office have been a little bit busy, with programs kicking off and fellowship developing I’ve had quite a bit to do. In the midst of that it was Pastor Enoch who…

From the Desk of Pastor Ryan

Good Morning BPGC and a special hello to those of you returning from Hong Kong that I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. Come and say hi, I would love to get to know you better. To quote a somewhat infamous phrase Sept.11 is “a day that will live in infamy”. Fifteen years ago…