Online Services (Page 21)

Vital Signs: A Lame Man Walks!

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 3:1-10 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. As John and Peter enter into the temple to pray, they encounter this disabled man who has been at the temple gate for most of his life, but was never able to enter to worship…

Vital Signs: The Continuing Story

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 1:1-8 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Acts in the ongoing story from the Gospel of Luke, speaking of specifically that it is recording the ongoing and continuous work and teachings of Jesus.Have you ever thought of your life as the ongoing…

Christmas Service 2020

Hi all, Christmas service this week will be through a live online service on Zoom.Recorded sermon will be posted here: Christmas 2020 Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:1-15 Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Online Giving Page

Divine Revolution: Choosing Life

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 7:13-27 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Jesus’s examples of 2 different gates, 2 different trees, 2 followers, and 2 types of builders are difficult images, because Jesus presents that there are only two choices, his way or the way of destruction.Do…

Divine Revolution: Treasure and Worry

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Our relationship with God can be said to be seen in how we relate with money and possessions. Read Matthew 19:21-23.Would you be able to part with your earthly treasure so that you gain heavenly…