Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 6:1-8 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Do you agree or disagree with the dictionary definition of discipline…why? 2. How did your understanding of discipline affect the way you practiced spiritual disciplines? 3. How did this also affect your understanding of the…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 5:31-37 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. What makes a good person?How does your idea of a good person match with what Jesus thinks is a good person? 2. Divorce is not an easy topic to talk about for many. Jesus talks…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 Sermon: Announcements: Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Online Giving Page
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 5:27-30 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. What is your experience growing up in talking about sexual purity?Is this a topic of discussion in your home or church community? 2. There is a fine line between looking with appreciation vs. looking with…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 5:17-26 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1) According to Matthew 5:20, “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. a) Have you…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 5:13-17 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1) Jesus places a very high value and esteem on his people as he calls them “The Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World.”Do you see yourself in that way?Do you see the…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 5:3-12 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1) Darrel Johnson says, “The gospel of Jesus is good news not only because our sins are forgiven, and not only because we are given eternal life, but the gospel is good news because “God’s new…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 4:12 – 5:2 Sermon: Sermon Reflection & Discussion Questions:1. Before this sermon, what did you think the central message of Jesus is? How does it reshape your understanding of what Jesus was doing and teaching in light of the context…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Psalm 51:13-17 Sermon: Announcements: Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Online giving page
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35 Sermon: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. What are some examples of tension, anger and hostility that you’ve encountered in our city and world today? 2. How do you feel about God’s demand for us to extend forgiveness to those who wrong…