Church Blog (Page 18)

2023 Final Deacon Candidate List

This year’s Deacon Election will be held on Sunday October 29, 2023. After discussion and prayerful consideration, the DEC is pleased to announce the following list of deacon candidates: Angelina Mah, Kevin Yip, and Samuel Chui. Two other current deacons will be running for re-election: Jeneen Tso, Jason Siu. The profiles of each candidate can…

Christmas Shoebox Collection 2023

This year, we will be having our annual Christmas Shoebox collection. The shoeboxes can be found in the sanctuary entrance and the gym. After filling it with new items such as stationery, toys, personal hygiene products, and other gifts, please attach $10 postage, then return the packaged shoebox to church. For enquiries, please contact Joseph…

Deacon Candidate List & Extended Nominations Deadline

This year’s Deacon Election will be held on Sunday October 29, 2023. After discussion and prayerful consideration, the DEC is pleased to announce the following list of deacon candidates: Angelina Mah, Kevin Yip, and Samuel Chui. Two other current deacons will be running for re-election: Jeneen Tso, Jason Siu.   According to the church by-laws,…

Pastor Eugene on Mental Wellness Leave

From October 1 to November 27, Pastor Eugene will be taking a mental wellness leave. While pastor Eugene appreciates your prayers and care, we ask brothers and sisters to not contact Pastor Eugene or his family and to give them space to rest and recover. If you have any questions or concerns about the English…

Prayers for Mexico Short-term Mission Team

The 2023 Mexico short-term mission team includes: Robert Pang, Mona So, Joseph Tso, Jocyline Lam, Lucinda Kwong, and Kate Kung. They will be serving in Tijuana, Mexico from Oct 24-30, 2023. If brothers and sisters would like to sign-up for daily prayer updates from the team via email or WhatsApp, please fill in the form…