Posts by Pastor Ryan

Kissing the Lepers

There’s a story told about St. Francis of Assisi. Before he became a Christian, Francis hated lepers. In fact, any time he saw a leper he held his nose and rode away on his horse. Now this wasn’t an unusual response to lepers. Lepers have a disease that literally causes the nerves in the body…

Jesus and the Nasty Women

These last couple of months in the world has been charged, to say the least. It’s not uncommon to turn on the news, Twitter, or Facebook now and hear someone accused of being a racist, a bigot, an idiot, a liar, or worse. One of the segments of society that currently seem to find themselves…

From the Desk of Pastor Ryan

Good Morning BPGC and welcome to worship. Over the last several weeks I seem to have found myself in multiple conversations about the devil, notably about how tricky he is. It’s true the devil is a liar.  He’s had a millennium to practice and hone his craft, so he’s become incredibly good at tripping up…

From the Desk of Pastor Ryan

Good Morning BPGC, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Wow the last few weeks around the office have been a little bit busy, with programs kicking off and fellowship developing I’ve had quite a bit to do. In the midst of that it was Pastor Enoch who…

From the Desk of Pastor Ryan

Good Morning BPGC and a special hello to those of you returning from Hong Kong that I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. Come and say hi, I would love to get to know you better. To quote a somewhat infamous phrase Sept.11 is “a day that will live in infamy”. Fifteen years ago…