2023 AGM Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/
In preparation for the 2023 AGM, occurring in-person on Sunday Apr 23 from 1-3pm, here are the budget and expense reports. Details regarding church by-law revisions can also be found in the links below.
- 2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual General Fund:
- 2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual English Ministry:
- 2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual Building Fund:
- 2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual Mission Fund: (pending minor changes)
- If you have any questions, please use the following Q&A link:
Church By-Law Revisions:
2023 Proposed Bylaw Amendments: https://drive.google.com/file/
- Current bylaws were adopted in 2006. A separate committee drafted these amendments in 2008, reviewed by external legal counsel. Previous deacon boards approved these unofficial guidelines before 2015, but at the time did not pass majority congregation vote, with questions on some articles. The following summary of amendment highlights is being presented for adoption:
1) 13 “Documents of the Church shall be kept at the address of the Church unless the deacons resolve otherwise”
2) 14 “The English version is the Constitutional Bylaws is the official version and takes precedence over versions of other languages”
3) Appendix 1: Guidelines for Deacon Election Committee (Qualifications, Responsibilities, Nomination, Evaluation)
1) OLD 7.1 “Meeting is called once a year by the chair of the board of deacons in the beginning of each year”
- NEW 7.2.1 “An Annual membership meeting shall be called once a year by the chair of the board of deacons by March 31 of each year”
- Allow for greater flexibility of when to call AGM each year, avoiding busy year end reviews, but not waiting too long into the new year
2) OLD “Except for the lead pastor who is the chair, all other posts are filled through agreement among the elected deacons”
- NEW 7.3.1 “The board of deacons shall select a chair (preferably from the elected deacons)”
- Allow for greater flexibility, keeping in line with BCMB/Canadian Conference, avoiding possible conflict of interest and liability concerns.
3) OLD 7.4.1 “Each department head shall serve a term of two years and may not serve in the same position for over two consecutive terms”
- NEW 7.4.1 “Each department head shall serve a term of two years and preferably not serve in the same position for over two consecutive terms”
- Allow for greater flexibility, balancing length of service with possible extenuating circumstances.