Church Blog (Page 23)

Review from AGM

Praise God for the AGM that took place last Sunday afternoon. 54 members participated and 3 non-members attended as observers. All the items of the AGM were successfully adopted and passed. During the meeting, we also shared about the current situation of our church, including difficulties, challenges, and struggles that have emerged after the pandemic.…

Pastor Eliza’s Sabbatical

As Pastor Eliza has entered into her eighth year of service at our church, she will be taking sabbatical leave from May 9 to Sept 29. May the Lord bless her with wonderful rest. During this time period, any inquiries or matters related to the CM ministry can be directed to Pastor Enoch or the deacons. 

Ordination Ceremony for Pastor Eliza

Upon the decision among the Deacon Board and approval by MB Conference, our church is delighted to affirm Pastor Eliza’s ministry at our church by ordaining her. Pastor Eliza became a pastor at our church in 2015 and has been serving faithfully, exercising her gifts of caring and evangelism, and she is passionate in serving…

2023 Church Directory

The 2023 church directory has been compiled and completed. Hard copies can be picked up at the sanctuary foyer. Or if you are interested in receiving a digital copy instead, please sign up in the following link:

*2023 AGM

2023 AGM Agenda: In preparation for the 2023 AGM, occurring in-person on Sunday Apr 23 from 1-3pm, here are the budget and expense reports. Details regarding church by-law revisions can also be found in the links below. 2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual General Fund:   2023 Budget vs. 2022 Actual English Ministry:…