Infant/Child Dedication Ceremony – Sunday Oct 8

This year, the Infant/Child Dedication Ceremony will be held on Sunday October 8, 2023 (Thanksgiving Sunday), during the English Worship (10:00am) and Chinese Noon Worship (11:40am). It is held under the witness of the congregation, which shows that the infant/child dedication is not only a matter for the family, but also for the whole congregation to participate and bless them together.

The Infant/Child Dedication Ceremony is not an infant/child baptism ceremony, nor does it refer to the consecration of the child for ministry. Rather, the purpose is for the parents to testify that their children are gifts from God, and that it is their responsibility to raise and edify the children whom God has entrusted to them, so that their children can grow up in Christ and in the church community.

If any parents are interested in dedicating their infant/children (between ages 0-12) to the Lord, please complete and submit the application form below to pastoral staff. Deadline is Sept 17. Any inquiries, please contact pastoral staff.

Infant_Child Dedication Application


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