Opportunities to serve
Opportunities to serve
This July and August, our church is also hiring a Children Ministry Summer Student (15 hours/week). Anyone interested, please contact Pastor Ruth (ruth.goh@bpgc.org) for more details. Deadline to submit your resume and cover letter is March 15, 2025.
Our church is currently seeking a suitable individual for the position of: English Ministry Pastor. The job description and application details can be found in the following document: BPGC EM Pastor Job Posting with Job Description
The church is planning to re-design and upgrade our church website, and would like to recruit members to join the Website Upgrade Team. We hope to invite brothers and sisters who have a heart to join in the following areas, preferably with the following skills: 1. Be able to learn to use a new web…
We would like to extend an invitation from Port Moody PG about joining their missions team in reaching out to the indigenous community of the Nooaitch band in Merritt from Sept 7-9, 2024. We got the invitation later than expected because Port Moody is starting this short term mission trip again for the first time…
The Burnaby Heights Merchants Association will be having the Hats Off Day on Saturday June 1, 2024. This year’s theme is “Once Upon A Time”. Our church has applied for a booth and has been approved to participate. Purpose: To care for our neighbours and share the love of the Lord Date: June 1, 2024…
Our church is hosting a parenting workshop, joint with Family Life Canada and Connected Families. This will be conducted online via Zoom (link to come). If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ruth.
Due to snowy conditions, all in-person worship services & Sunday School will be cancelled today (Dec 18, 2022). The English service has been moved to online (Zoom). Please join us at 10am as we continue to worship God together: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81267365052?pwd=MVhBRXk3Z2FLUndETi9TUHhJT1hsZz09
Pastor Eliza is currently on vacation until Sept 9, may God give her wonderful rest and refreshment. Please also note, church office will be closed on Monday Sept 5 (Labor Day).
We are excited to welcome back Pastor Helena from her maternity leave as she returns to her role as our English Youth Pastor on a part-time basis. With Pastor Helena returning, Pastor Andy’s has finished his term as our Interim English Youth pastor, and will be transitioning to a new role on our pastoral staff…
MBCCA is holding a leadership training opened for all pastors, all deacons, worship leaders, teachers, and lay-leaders within the church. This training is for strengthening and building up new leaders within the multi-ethnic church context, especially for churches with English, Cantonese, and Mandarin congregations. The training will be led in English only. We encourage all pastors, deacons…