Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 21:18 – 22:21 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Do you desire to know God’s will for your life?What is keeping you from discovering His will? 2. What is your understanding of being a disciple of Christ?Have you ever misunderstood…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:3-5 Sermon and Announcements: Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• AGM Proxy Vote (submit by May 16 noon)• Online Giving Page
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 20:17-38 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. If you had to give a farewell speech, what would you say?Who would you say it to?What sort of instruction or wisdom would you leave for them? 2. Paul summons the elders of…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 19:11-20 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Do you believe we try and use too many shortcuts in life? 2. Do you believe this mentality can translate into how we build our relationship with Jesus? 3. Have you ever been…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 18:1-17 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. What is Christ calling you to be faithful in regarding your work, your home life, your social circle, your ministry at BPGC? 2. How would you like to see God using your life…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 17:16-34 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Paul arrives into Athens and encounters a culture that is filled with all types of religious activity, many to which he disagreed with.How did Paul respond?How would you respond in a similar situation?…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 16:6-40 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Paul and his companions wanted to go to Bithynia to reach a few cities for God, but the triune God wanted to give Paul Europe.a. Have you ever experienced closed and open doors?…
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week: Scripture: Acts 15:1-21 Sermon and Announcements: Sermon Discussion Questions:1. Acts 15 opens with a dispute in the church about Gentiles needing to include Jewish customs and practices into their faith.When have you seen a dispute among Christians and how was it settled?…