Announcements (Page 15)

This is for announcements and other news

Candidate Nominations for Deacon Election 2022

A Deacon Election Committee (DEC) has been formed, consisting of members Kate Kung, Ivy Poon, Angie Au, Lawrence Lo, and Enoch Yim. The board would like to invite members to nominate deacon candidates to the DEC by completing the form below, with two members’ signature by the deadline September 4th, 2022. According to church…

60th Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference

The 60th Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference is happening this year from Dec 27-31, 2022 at Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond. For more details, please see the attachment below, or visit 60th CCCWC Information (English) the church has limited subsidies available for participating members on a first-come first-served basis. If there are any…

Support for a Refugee Family

In response to the Mission Relief ministry of the Mennonite Central Committee Canada, the Mission Board has decided to provide financial support for an Afghan sister’s family, Rabia (whom our sister church Port Moody Pacific Grace Church is also supporting), to come to Canada as a refugees. Rabia’s family are of the Hazara ethnicity, one…

Updates Regarding Sanctuary Stage Renewal Project

As the Sanctuary Stage Renewal Project begins its early stages, the planning committee would like to extend the invitation to congregation members, particularly from EM, to join the committee.  The committee is also eager to hear from the congregation regarding what changes the congregation would like to see in the sanctuary, as well as which…

Praying for our Neighbourhood

This week is our first ever service Sunday where we will be doing a neighbourhood prayer walk.Our actual time during service will be cut to 30 minutes.Please dress appropriately (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, adequate hydration, etc) as it will be warm today. Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Deacon Nomination 2022• Worship…

Baptism & Membership Transfer

This year, the joint Thanksgiving Worship & Baptism/Membership Transfer will be held on Oct 9th, 2022 (Thanksgiving Sunday). Baptism: If you have converted and have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, and also attend our church’s Sunday worship, fellowship, and Sunday school regularly, we sincerely invite you to get baptized in order…

Message from Church Office

Message from the church office: We recently learned that as our bank was updating some paperwork, they had to temporarily freeze our accounts, beginning early July. Our sincere apologies if you had any reimbursement cheques bounce during this time. Now that everything is back to normal, if you still have the cheque, please first try…

BPGC 30th Anniversary Publications

By God’s grace, BPGC was established in 1990.  In 2020, we planned to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Teams started their efforts on preparing for anniversary publication, souvenirs and celebrating dinner.  Then came the pandemic, and things have to be put on hold.  When in-person worship was a challenge in the past 2 years, we have…