Direct: Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page• Deacon Candidate Nomination form – deadline today (Nov 3)• Potluck Social (YAM Event) – Register your potluck dish! Newcomer’s QR code:
Pastor Ruth is currently on vacation (Oct 26-Nov 9), and Pastor Eliza will be on vacation from Nov 6-Dec 13. May God give them safe travels and a time of rest and refreshment.
Our church is currently seeking a suitable individual for the position of: English Ministry Pastor. The job description and application details can be found in the following document: BPGC EM Pastor Job Posting with Job Description
Direct: Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page• Winter Conference 2024 Newcomer’s QR code:
Daylight Savings time will be Sunday Nov 3, 2024. On Saturday evening (Nov 2), please remember to turn your clocks 1 hour backward before going to bed.
The 2024 Deacon Election Committee (DEC) members consists of: Pastor Enoch Yim, deacon Angelina Mah, deacon Lawrence Lo, Kim Ngai, and Andrew Yeung. In preparation for the Deacon Election in December, the Deacon Board would like to invite church members to nominate deacon candidates by completing the form below, with two members’ signature. Deadline to…
The deacon board meeting highlights for July-Sept 2024 are now available for viewing on the sanctuary foyer bulletin board and here on the church website:
The team and contractor have been working hard on the gym renovation project. However, due to more time needed to finalize some details, we foresee the project timeline will be pushed back. Currently, we expect construction to start in January 2025. The exact date and more updates will be provided later. We invite everyone to…
This year, our church will be participating in the annual Christmas Shoebox collection project (Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child). The shoeboxes can be found in the sanctuary entrance and the gym. After filling it with new items such as stationery, toys, personal hygiene products, and other gifts, please attach $10 postage, then return the…
The church is planning to re-design and upgrade our church website, and would like to recruit members to join the Website Upgrade Team. We hope to invite brothers and sisters who have a heart to join in the following areas, preferably with the following skills: 1. Be able to learn to use a new web…