On this Mother’s Day, BPGC would like to express our appreciation to all mothers by preparing a small gift for them which is available in the foyer.
We need more volunteers to come and serve with us. You will be surprised how you can impact lives through serving with children. Several AWANA Leaders to serve 2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays starting September 2019 to June 2020, 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Sunday – Several Nursery helpers for the 10am and 11:15am, Children’s Worship teachers…
Linna Tso, mother of Jeffrey and Jeneen, returned to heavenly home peacefully last Sunday. Her funeral service will be holding at 9:30am, this Saturday, May 11 th at Forest Lawn Funeral Home. You are invited to attend the service and express your condolences to the family. If you want to show your care to the…
Please note that the communion Sunday on 1st week of April will be rescheduled to April 21st . This is also our EM/CM Joint Easter and Baptism/Membership Transferral Sunday.
A fire has recently subsided in a forest beside the campsite where the team will hold a 4-day youth camp. Pray that the fire will not start up again.
2019CompletePlan(Revised-as on-Dec 9 meeting)
After deacon contacted with the EM Pastor candidate, Pastor Eugene So, and his meeting with our congregation, Deacon Board unanimously agrees to call Pastor Eugene to be our EM Pastor. We are now waiting for his reply, and ask members continue to pray for God’s guidance.
For those with first aid certificate and willing to serve in church, please contact Grace Ngai (coordinator) before next Sunday, April 14th. Grace will help to form the team.
Thanks for those who have shown interest in the Nicomen Band short-term mission trip so far. There is currently 1 spot left. If interested, please contact Angela for an application form soon! Application deadline is March 24, 2019.
Our House Affair Dept. has arranged to change some part of basement floor starting tomorrow, March 11. The job estimated to be done in 2 weeks. Any question, talk to Dept. Head Robert Pang.