Church Blog (Page 5)

Sharing during Dec 1 EM Community/Fellowship Time

The Missions board’s budget includes the support of a seminary student, which includes our brother Freeman Lam. This is Freeman’s 3rd year at Regent College, and he is currently working on a final project. He will be sharing during Dec 1 EM Community/Fellowship Time (11:30am-12:45pm). On that day, both EM and CM congregations are invited to come for Soup &…

Extended Deacon Candidate Nominations

This year’s Deacon Election will be held in December 2024. After discussion and prayerful consideration, the DEC is pleased to announce the following list of deacon candidates: Tony Lam. In addition, one of the current deacons, Valerie Lai,  will be running for re-election. According to the church by-laws, congregation members are invited to submit further candidate nominations within…