Church Blog (Page 47)

Deacon Election 2019 Results

Praise the Lord for leading the Deacon Election 2019, and the three candidates were successfully elected: Andrew Yeung with 97%, Charles Chan with 98% and Kelvin Poon with 99%. They will join with current deacons: Alan Choi, David Sin, Amina Ng and Vivian Chui to form the 2020 Deacon Board.

Deacon Election 2019

After having received, discussed and contacted nominees by the Deacon Election Committee, we have 3 candidates who have been put forward as nominees: Andrew Yeung, Charles Chan and Kelvin Poon. Their profiles are inserted in the bulletin. Upon their election, they will join with the existing deacons: Alan Choi, David Sin and Amina Ng to…

Church Security

To prevent potential theft and loss of personal and church property, please ensure the doors are locked and windows are stuck when you are exiting the building. FOR KEY HOLDERS: If you unlock the door by key, you must need to lock it right away in order to take the key out. Is our task…

Feedback on the Space Change Trial

Thanks for accommodating our trial of space change for worship in the Chapel the last two months. Beginning today (September 1st), we move back to the Sanctuary for EM worship. Please submit any feedback on the space change trial using the following link:

Deacons Election Committee Members

A Deacon Election Committee is formed for 2020’s deacon election. The members are Wilfred Chan, Freeman Lam, Patrick Au, Lawrence Lo and Pastor Enoch. We will have 2 existing deacons stepping down, and elect 3 new deacons for 2020’s term. The board would like to invite members to nominate deacon candidate to DEC by writing,…

Baptism and Membership

On October 13 th , Thanksgiving Sunday, there will be an opportunity to be baptized or transfer your membership to BPGC. If you’re interested in being baptized or transferring your membership, please talk to Pastor Enoch for more information.

Policy with Strangers

Once in a while, we have strangers knocked at the door asking for money. Our church principle is to avoid giving them money, instead to give them actual resources. There is a plastic “food box” in the refuge area, inside you can find some cans, instant noodle or crackers for giving out. In really special…