Hi everyone, There is a fraudulent email circulating posing as Pastor Enoch asking for money or gift cards. If you receive this email, please disregard! At this time, Pastor Enoch & Winnie have not asked for any financial assistance. If that changes, an official announcement will come from the deacon board. Thanks for your attention!
Recorded Service: Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• 2021 Yearly Offering Report• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
Pastor Enoch will be taking 3 weeks off. Please continue to remember him and Winnie’s family in prayer during this time. Thank you.
Hi brothers and sisters of BPGC, We want to give you several updates regarding our dear Pastor Enoch and Winnie’s family. They appreciate all the prayers and care they have been receiving so far from the church. Winnie’s brother is making steady progress in his recovery, and by God’s grace, he has been informed and…
We are hoping to be able to continue emailing annual donation receipts. If you are interested in receiving them via email, please complete the following form. Otherwise, the remainder will be regular mailed as print copies. *NOTE: If you received your 2020 tax receipts electronically last year and your contact information has not changed, you…
Hello brothers and sisters of BPGC, Please pray for Pastor Enoch, Winnie, and their family. It is with great sadness that we inform you of the following heartbreaking news regarding our dear sister Winnie, wife of Rev. Enoch. Fire broke out at Winnie’s parents’ house in the early morning of January 30. Winnie’s father, sister-in-law,…
Recorded Service: Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• 2021 Yearly Offering Report• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
For the month of February, all in-person services & gatherings at church will continue to be cancelled, due to concerns over Covid-19. Sunday worship and other programs will be conducted online in February. Please visit the church website for any updates. EM Worship Zoom link for February: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82942138576?pwd=UGpTM01vS3Raa0FJVExFQ1hXU2VhUT09 Meeting ID: 829 4213 8576 Passcode: 175156…
Please check your offering record for year 2021. Church will issue tax receipt according to the number shown on the record. If you have any questions, please contact church office quickly. Thank you. YearlyTotalOfferingReport
*After planning and discussion, the Deacon Board has decided that all in-person services & gatherings at church will continue to be cancelled, due to concerns over Covid-19. Sunday worship and other programs will be conducted online in February. The situation will be evaluated periodically and further updates will be announced before the end of February…