Church Blog (Page 29)

Making of Kingdoms: Hannah

Happy Labour Day long weekend! As we step into September, we step into a month of kick-offs and relaunches for various ministries in our church. This includes a brand new sermon series through the book of 1 Samuel starting this Sunday.We also officially welcome back Pastor Helena from her maternity leave. Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-20…


Pastor Eliza is currently on vacation until Sept 9, may God give her wonderful rest and refreshment. Please also note, church office will be closed on Monday Sept 5 (Labor Day).

Staff Updates

We are excited to welcome back Pastor Helena from her maternity leave as she returns to her role as our English Youth Pastor on a part-time basis. With Pastor Helena returning, Pastor Andy’s has finished his term as our Interim English Youth pastor, and will be transitioning to a new role on our pastoral staff…

Wild Stories: Parable of the Sower

We are delighted to have Pastor Eileen of NSPG join us today to share God’s word with us this Sunday as we wrap up our summer series through the Parables. Scripture: Mark 4:1-20 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• AWANA 2022-2023 Registration (August 30 deadline)• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving…

Leadership Training Opportunity: “Effective Leadership in Times of Change”

MBCCA is holding a leadership training opened for all pastors, all deacons, worship leaders, teachers, and lay-leaders within the church.  This training is for strengthening and building up new leaders within the multi-ethnic church context, especially for churches with English, Cantonese, and Mandarin congregations. The training will be led in English only. We encourage all pastors, deacons…

Sept 11 Welcome Back Party

On Sunday Sept 11, we will be having a church-wide Welcome Back party/community fun day. On that day, the Chinese worship will be a combined service at 10:00 am, while the English worship will be integrated into the whole Welcome Party event. There will be food trucks to provide light lunches ($5 each with tips),…

Candidate Nominations for Deacon Election 2022

A Deacon Election Committee (DEC) has been formed, consisting of members Kate Kung, Ivy Poon, Angie Au, Lawrence Lo, and Enoch Yim. The board would like to invite members to nominate deacon candidates to the DEC by completing the form below, with two members’ signature by the deadline September 4th, 2022. According to church…