Our church is hosting a parenting workshop, joint with Family Life Canada and Connected Families. This will be conducted online via Zoom (link to come). If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ruth.
Direct: https://youtu.be/oEfm6IjtR18 Scripture: Mark 12:28-34 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
Direct: https://youtu.be/daI74qteuUA Scripture: Matthew 8:1-14 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
Direct: https://youtu.be/Ct55ONjkC5g Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
The church directory has not been updated in the past three years due to the pandemic, and most of the information is outdated. In order to re-compile a directory for church communication purposes, we will be collecting the information via the following methods: A) Members who currently attend a fellowship: You can check, update/add your…
Direct: https://youtu.be/JFhuXb9-IX0 Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-72 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
Direct: https://youtu.be/g41wpRGovYg Scripture: 1 Samuel 9:1-27 Announcements Links:Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:• Worship Service Team Sign-up• Online Giving Page
Due to the recent discovery of rats/mice inside the church building, please ensure that all remaining food residue is thoroughly cleaned up and disposed of. (Eg., wrap food residue in a plastic bag and put it in a lidded garbage can, clean all utensils and put them in a covered container after use, clean up…
The 2022 total offering records for each individual (by cheque, cash, and e-transfer) are posted on the church bulletin board and listed below for review. If any questions or concerns, please contact our church secretary Louise (bpgcclouise@gmail.com) as soon as possible. The church will be issuing tax receipts based on the offering records. YearlyDonation
We are hoping to be able to continue emailing annual donation receipts. If you are interested in receiving them via email, please complete the form below. Otherwise, the remainder will be regular mailed as print copies. Deadline: January 31, 2023 Link: https://forms.gle/79iMvbR6yrHZdRA88 NOTE: If you received your 2020 and/or 2021 tax receipts electronically and your…