Church Blog (Page 24)


This year, the AGM will be held in-person on Sunday April 23 at 1:00pm. Light lunch will be provided. The Q&A form, church 2023 budget, and AGM agenda items will be posted on the church website shortly.

Church-wide Covid-19 Guidelines Updates

Starting April 1, 2023, we will be adopting the following changes to our current Covid-19 guidelines: Masks & temperature-taking inside the church building will be optional. Please sanitize and clean tables after use. The sanitation of sanctuary chairs between services will decrease in frequency. We will not pass the offering bags during worship. Instead, offerings…

Baptism & Membership Transfer

This year, the joint Easter Worship & Baptism/Membership Transfer will be held on April 9, 2023 (Easter Sunday). Baptism: If you have converted and have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, and also attend our church’s Sunday worship, fellowship, and Sunday school regularly, we sincerely invite you to get baptized in order…

*Feb 26 In-Person Services Cancelled

Due to snowy conditions, all Feb 26, 2023 in-person worship services & Sunday School will be cancelled. Instead, please join us online in the following links as we continue to worship God together:   8:20am Chinese Worship (YouTube Premiere): 10:00am English Worship: Join Zoom Meeting:  Meeting ID: 859 3224 6807 Passcode: 417918  …