Opportunity (Page 3)

Opportunities to serve

EM Worship Zoom Link (for January)

Due to the recent surge of COVID cases, the Deacon Board has decided to temporarily suspend all in-person gatherings at church. Sunday worship and other programs will be conducted online in January. Please see below for the EM Worship Zoom link (same link for the whole month of January): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82942138576?pwd=UGpTM01vS3Raa0FJVExFQ1hXU2VhUT09 Meeting ID: 829 4213 8576…

Final 2020 Yearly Offering Record

Attached is the final 2020 yearly offering record (updated to the December 20th cut off). Please review these figures, which include offerings received by cash, cheque and e-transfer. Should you have any questions for donation receipts, please notify the church office by January 31st, 2021. YearlyTotalOffering-2020  

Ride for Refuge

This year, BPGC has gathered 14 people to run bike and dance for Ride for Refuge. It is a free-event fundraiser for the nonprofit organization: journey Home community. This organization help out refugees in Canada to settle down. Please donate to us by clicking onto the link below this video. https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?teamID=918182&langPref=en-CA

BPGC – COVID19 Announcement

Dear BPGC Family, In light of the Provincial Government’s recent directive banning all public gatherings over 50 people as of Monday, March 16, we have suspended all activities at BPGC until further notice. The suspension includes all Sunday worship services, Sunday schools, fellowships, AWANA, and all other events that operate inside the church. The annual…