Announcements (Page 8)

This is for announcements and other news

Updating Email Addresses for 2023 Tax Receipts

The church office is able to provide the annual donation tax receipts via email. If you are interested in receiving them via email, please complete the form below before the stated deadline. Otherwise, the tax receipts will be sent through regular mail. Deadline: February 14, 2024 Link: **If you have already registered your email…

2023 Offering Records

The total 2023 offering records for each individual (by cheque, cash, and e-transfer) can be viewed below.  If you have any questions regarding the offering records, or if your personal information requires any updating, please contact our church secretary Louise ( as soon as possible. The church will be issuing tax receipts based on the…

Church Hygiene

Despite the kitchen renovations being complete, the general mice situation inside the church building is still a persistent challenge. Please ensure that all remaining food residue is thoroughly cleaned up and disposed of after each gathering/meeting. For example, please store remaining foods in a sealed plastic container, dispose food residue in a plastic bag/in a…

Reading Through the New Testament in a Year

BPGC 2024 New Testament Reading Through the Year As a church-wide activity starting Jan 1, 2024, we encourage everyone to embark in reading through the New Testament in a year, whether in your fellowships or small groups.  Activity: Read or listen to one chapter of the New Testament every day, and put a check mark…

Pastoral Eugene & Pastor Andy’s Resignation

With full recognition and appreciation for the productive and blessed ministry that Pastor Eugene and Pastor Andy have provided our English Ministry congregation and after being fully assured by both pastors that their resignation are sincere and not subject to reconsideration, the Deacon Board acknowledges the resignation of Pastor Eugene, as submitted to the Deacon…