Church Staff Updates: Pastor Helena’s Maternity Leave

Congratulations to Pastor Helena and Timothy as their family will be expanding from three to four at the end of this calendar year!

In anticipation, Pastor Helena will be taking maternity leave starting mid-December.

While Pastor Helena is away on maternity leave, the work of the youth ministry will continue under the guidance of Pastor Eugene and the Youth Ministry Leaders.

The deacon board is also beginning the process of posting for an interim youth pastor position to help shepherd our youth during this season.

As Pastor Helena’s family grows, we also recognize that this is also an opportunity for us as the church to grow and be stretched by God in new and exciting ways.

  1. Pray for and get to know the youth of our church.
  2. Pray for our search for the interim youth pastor
  3. Pray for the pastoral staff team and the youth ministry leaders and families during this transition.
  4. Pray for Pastor Helena’s health, her family, and the health of her baby.
  5. Visit / serve in in Youth ministry!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to any of the pastoral staff or deacons.


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