Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week:
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13
Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. What is your understanding of prayer?
If you were taught to pray, how were you taught?
2. What did you think of Jesus’s prayer in Matthew 6:7-13 prior to the study?
How did you understand it?
Did you ever pray it as your model of prayer?
3. Eugene suggests that praying is the most direct way in joining Jesus in his divine revolution.
Agree or disagree? Why?
4. Jesus says we don’t need to pray with the babbling of many words because God is approachable and knows what we need.
How have you approached God in prayer?
What changes knowing God knows what we need?
5. Do you think the 6 petitions found in the Lord’s prayer covers everything we could ever possibly pray for and about?
What do you think may be not covered under the six petitions?
6. Jesus teaches us to pray in bold imperatives (commands).
Why do you think we hesitate to do so?
What might be keeping you from praying in this way?
7. The center of the Lord’s prayer is “on Earth as it is in Heaven”.
What part of Heaven do you want to pray for God to bring to earth right now?
8. How would you like to incorporate the Lord’s prayer into your prayer this week?
Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:
• Deacon Board Freeze for 2021
• Online Giving Page