Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week:
Scripture: Matthew 5:27-30
Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. What is your experience growing up in talking about sexual purity?
Is this a topic of discussion in your home or church community?
2. There is a fine line between looking with appreciation vs. looking with intention to lust.
When do you think that line is crossed?
3. Jesus has an extremely high view of sex and marriage.
What do you think our world’s view of sex and marriage is currently?
What is your own view of sex and marriage?
4. Luther wrote, “I cannot keep a bird from flying over my head, but I can certainly keep it from nesting in my hair or from biting off my nose.”
What are some things you have found helpful in preventing lust in building a nest in your head?
5. Eugene talked about Jesus expanding the law of adultery in order to protect: marriage & sex, the image of God in people, and the welfare of His Kingdom.
Which one of these stood out to you?
Which one have you never considered before as what Jesus was doing?
6. Cutting off a hand, and gouging out an eye appears to be quite a radical action to take in removing lust from our lives.
Why do you think Jesus took lust so seriously?
Do you think you take it as seriously as Jesus?
Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:
• Online Giving Page