Scripture: Luke 19:28-42
Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week:
Practicing Communion
As followers of Christ, we are invited to partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist. The elements of the sacrament of the wine / juice and the bread takes on the symbolic meaning of Jesus’ shed blood and broken body, sacrificed for us on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. By consuming the elements, we are invited to remember the great cost of salvation Jesus willing gave on our behalf.
As we are unable to do this together in person during the pandemic, we ask that you prepare the elements by these means:
1. Purchase grape juice/wine and pour into class or cup
2. Purchase a loaf of bread or baked crackers. In some Christian traditions, you may choose to use unleavened bread in following the Israelites Passover ritual. However you can use any bread of cracker of your choice 3. You may also use the prepackaged communion set given out a few weeks ago at Church.
4. After the Online portion of the message, we invite you to read together from 1 Corinthian 11:23-26
5. After a brief moment of prayer and blessing
A. Receiving the bread by saying: The body of Christ, broken for me”
B. Receiving the cup by saying: The blood of Christ, shed for me.”
6. End with meditation and prayer.
1. Online Giving and offering is now available. If you would like to continue practicing your generosity, we have set up the ability to receive E-transfers and PayPal payments. Please see the “Recent Posts” page for instructions on how to have this set up.
2. The Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship is preparing to organize a “Help Our Neighbours” initiative where they will be organizing volunteers to help buy and delivery groceries to those who won’t be able to do so during the COVID19 outbreak. If you have a vehicle you can use, and have no pre-existing medical conditions that would put yourself or anyone in your home at risk and would like help. Please contact Pastor Eugene (
3. Our EM joint Good Friday service is cancelled. We will officially be joining the “With Christ in His Suffering” MB Conference Global Good Friday Service online: