EM Youth Pastor Candidate

Helena Shum attends and grow up in BPGC with her family since she was a kid. She has involved in Children’s ministry and Awana in the past. Later on, she was called by God to study in the Columbia Bible College and graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in youth ministry in 2017. Besides serving in our church and CCM for the youth, she also joined the OMF missionary organization to teach young people in Taiwan for a year and half. Through the period, she feels the assurance that God calls her to serve the youth, so she applies for EM Youth pastor in our church, she will focus on serving the youth from Gr. 7-12. After meeting with her, prayer and discussion, Deacon Board unanimously recommended Helena as the candidate for our EM Youth Pastor. Please pray together for Helena and our church in this process of discernment. If you have any feedback, please contact Pastor Enoch or Deacon Board during these two weeks.


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