Thanks to the Lord that brothers and sisters got to know Pastor Eugene So, our EM pastor candidate more by his preaching and the luncheon meeting last Sunday. Deacon board is welcoming any feedback from brothers and sisters no later than next Sunday, March 17th and also to pray for God’s guidance together.
The building fund pledge is set up every year for church maintenance and paying off the mortgage loan. Up to June 30 th , 2018, our church loan balance in MB conference is $107,113.16. Our Building Fund has accumulated with surplus to pay the monthly mortgage. And it is expected that our loan can be…
On April 21 st , Easter Sunday, there will be an opportunity to be baptized or transfer your membership to BPGC. If you’re interested in being baptized or transferring your membership, please talk to Pastor Enoch for more information.
Daylight saving time begins next Sunday, March 10. Please remember to turn your clock one hour forward this Saturday night, March 9.
On April 21 st , Easter Sunday, there will be an opportunity to be baptized or transfer your membership to BPGC. If you’re interested in being baptized or transferring your membership, please talk to Pastor Enoch for more information.
Our church secretary, Louise Lau, will be taking her vacation from March 4-19. For the church office matter, please contact Maria Kwok or pastoral staff.
Please note that if someone in desperate needs to get into to the church & doesn’t have a fob, you can either call Robert Pang, Alan Choi or Lawrence Lo. They have remote unlocking capacity to control both doors that have intercom on them. Thanks!
As our congregations is getting bigger church office might not be able to give the reimbursement cheque directly to you. But you can find it in one of the following mail slots accordingly: EM Ministry, EM Fellowship or EM Worship Team. Any question, feel free to contact our church secretary. Thanks!
After contacting and meeting with applicant, and discussing in deacon board, the board has decided to recommend the applicant, Pastor Eugene So to be the EM ministry pastor candidate. The Deacon Board has invited him to preach on Mar. 3rd at EM service and also arrange a luncheon meeting on that afternoon, at 1:00-3:00pm for…
Ark and James will have a joint fellowship mission night in the chapel. We have invited David and Ruth Ullstrom to share their mission. David and Ruth joined OMF when they were in their 20s and have been working amongst the urban poor in Kaohsiung. Through the years they have been part of church planting,…