Vital Signs: Relativism

Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week:

Scripture: Acts 17:16-34

Sermon and Announcements:

Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. Paul arrives into Athens and encounters a culture that is filled with all types of religious activity, many to which he disagreed with.
How did Paul respond?
How would you respond in a similar situation?

2. Pastor Harry shared a little bit about “relativism”, the belief that there are no absolute truths, but rather truth is subjective to each person and their perspectives.
Where have you encountered “relativism” in your daily life?

3. Paul’s message at the Areopagus was simple, to the point, and yet addressed the culture of his day to capture the audiences’ attention to bridge to the gospel.
What are some things or topics today people care deeply about that you see as a potential bridge to share the gospel?

4. Which part of the gospel do you have the most difficulty talking about or explaining?
How could you better prepare yourself to proclaim this part of God’s message?

Announcements Links:
Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:
AGM Proxy Vote (submit by May 16 noon)
Submit AGM Questions here (open until April 25)
Online Giving Page


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