Here are the worship songs selected by our worship team for this week:
Scripture: Matthew 5:31-37
Sermon Discussion Questions:
1. What makes a good person?
How does your idea of a good person match with what Jesus thinks is a good person?
2. Divorce is not an easy topic to talk about for many. Jesus talks about divorce as part of an abuse of power in relationships.
In what other ways have you seen people abuse their power in relationships?
How have you experienced it yourself?
3. What positions of power and authority has God given you?
In what ways can you use your power in relationships to honour and respect someone?
4. Dallas Willard commentates that the heart of oaths is a device of manipulation.
What do you think of that statement?
5. Why do you think Jesus cares so much about what we say and how we say it?
How does our world perceive things like “spin” and “hype”?
6. Upon reflection of what Jesus says about oaths, what is something you would change this week about how you speak?
Here are some links related to this week’s announcements:
• Online Giving Page