Past Events (Page 21)

Baptism and Membership Transfer

On April 16th , Easter Sunday, there will be an opportunity to be baptized or transfer your membership to BPGC. If you’re interested in being baptized or transferring your membership, please talk to Pastor Ryan for more information.

Joint Good Friday Service

There will be a joint Good Friday Service for all MBCCA churches on April 14 at 7:30 p.m. The EM service will be taking place in the gymnasium. We ask that brothers and sisters attempt to carpool as parking will be limited due to the number of people coming.

Annual General Meeting 2017

UPDATE: The AGM has been moved to April 2, 2017. — For all members and regular attendees of Burnaby Pacific Grace, please schedule time to attend our Annual General Meeting. More information can be found in Church Annual Report available in the foyer. A light lunch will be provided. Agenda: Call to Order/Opening Prayer Adoption…

King’s Table

The next King’s Table has been postponed to March 12. King’s table is a communal meal served here at BPGC. Donations are taken towards the work of a local charity in our community. For more information please contact Pastor Ryan.

YAM Workshop

MBCCA and YAM will be holding the first of our “Equipping Together” workshops on March 10th. Keith Reed will be leading us as we learn how to be more effective small group leaders.

Ryan’s Sharing at Chinese Prayer Meeting

Pastor Ryan will be sharing at the Chinese Ministry’s prayer meeting this Tuesday. He will be sharing on the topic, “Unforgettable Person in My Life”. You are welcome to join and pray for the needs of our church and brothers/sisters together.

Mission Fest 2017

Mission Fest will be held in the Vancouver Convention Centre from January 27th to the 29th. The theme for this year is “Justice and the Gospel”. Activities include sessions given by different featured speakers, a film festival, a youth rally, seminars, mission organization booth, etc. More details can be found online at

Missional Course at Carey

What does the theology of the Church look like now that North America is a mission field? Please come and learn how to be a strong, missional leader equipped to face the challenges of ministry in the new post-christendom era with Professor Darrell Guder. This Course “Introduction to Theology and Practice of Missional Leadership” is…

Joint Sunday School

A joint Sunday School will be held on January 22nd. Pastor Fiona Wu will be sharing her experience in First Nation missions and opportunities in the field. A First Nation Mission Camp is planned for  July 2017.