On December 20th we will have our Christmas banquet. We will have worship and dinner and a gift exchange. Please RSVP with Amina, Mitchell or Pastor Helena with $10 per person. All new guest will be free.
Deacon and department heads of 2020 are invited to attend the Planning Meeting from 9:00am – 12:30pm this coming Saturday. We would like to thank all the Dept. Heads that have submitted your 2020 plans to office. For those departments that have not, please submit your plans to the church office ASAP.
BPGC is encouraging members to participate by picking up 1 or more shoebox(es) in the gym or at the front door in the sanctuary today after service for Operation Christmas Child. Please fill the shoeboxes with brand new toys, toiletries, gifts, and other items for a child of selected age and gender selected and $10…
MB Chinese Churches Association will be holding two-day conference on the topic of transmission of faith to second generation in Chinese Church. The main speaker is Dr. Enoch Wong (the author of the book: “Listening to Their Voices”. Both meetings will be holding at Pacific Grace MB Church. Friday, Nov. 15 th , from 7:30pm-9:30pm…
The meeting will focus on sharing from the various ministries and evaluating the needs/goals of the past year. The evaluations will aid the church as a whole, project and plan for 2020. Planning for 2020 will take place during the “Deacon/Department Head Planning Meeting” on Dec 14th from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm.
Nov. 1 st , Friday, “I See You (Sawubona)” Nov. 2 nd , Saturday, “Living as Cultural Bridges” Please see the details on the bulletin board. **Also, we are looking for 2 EM brothers and sisters to help with the children's programs for either one of the nights. Please contact Pastor Helena if you are…
Next Sunday will be our joint Thanksgiving and baptismal service. Our baptismal candidate is Angela Ho. Janice Sargent, Stephanie Tong and Esther Tsang will also be transferring their church memberships. Please note there will be Children’s programs that start at 10 am in rooms 1 & 2. CM & EM Sunday School will be cancelled…
The Ukraine short-term mission team will be sharing about their experiences from this past summer. Hope to see you there!
James Fellowship would like to invite a father-daughter team who just returned from a STM trip in Taiwan to share about their experience. Parents of James members or other parents in the church are welcome to join. James Fellowship is vigorously exploring to organize a similar STM trip to Taiwan during the summer next year.…
Salome Lau will be sharing in the EM/CM Prayer Meeting this Tuesday on her experience of “Aftertaste of This Home”. You are welcome to join and pray together for the needs of our church and brothers/sisters.