Past Events (Page 30)

“The Vocalist” – Worship Central Workshop at Tenth Church

Worship Central will be hosting a FREE vocal training session open to all BC & Lower Mainland worship teams on the morning of Saturday April 18! Worship leaders/expert vocalists Andrea Yeung & Pedro Mota from the Worship Central team will be co-leading the session, teaching on both the technical elements of singing as well as…

Evangelistic Department Luncheon Meeting

The Evangelistic Department invites their committee members and welcome those who are interested in this ministry to join this meeting. The program includes singing, games and ministry introduction, etc. Please contact Regina Kam or Ricky Chu for registration and details.

MBCCA English Good Friday Service

Every year our church joins other churches in a EM Good Friday service to remember Christ’s death. This year the service will be at Richmond Bethel M.B. Church. 10200 No. 5 Road. Richmond. Please join us and invite your friends to reflect  on and learn why we call this day “Good Friday”.  At the same…

E^3 Praise and Worship Night: Alive

Spring is in the air, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. The earth has come alive to shout glory, honour and praise to our God! Come join us this first praise and worship night of 2015 at BPGC. Let us join our hearts together, as we ENCOUNTER God, ENJOY the life that He…

Lighthouse Visitation

The Lighthouse Harbour Ministry team will be visiting the seamen at the Lighthouse Seaman Center in North Vancouver.  During the team will spend 2 hours in the Center. All brothers and sisters are welcomed to join.  Please contact Joseph Tso for more information, or just show up at the parking lot by 6:30 pm.

AWANA Leadership Training Workshops

These workshops welcome all present leaders, Sunday School teachers and anyone who is interested in joining  the Children’s Ministry.  Both workshops will take place at BPGC: Sunday, Feb 8, “The Gospel” (lunch provided) from 2:00-4:00pm. Friday, Feb 27, “Preparing & leading a large group time” from 7:00-9:00pm. Please register via email by sending to…

Usher Training

The Worship Department will conduct this at church on Sunday, Feb. 8 at 1:00 PM. It will be led by Pastor Paul. All serving ushers and potential ushers are invited to come. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside Pastor Paul’s office.

100 Gatherings

Worship Central is hosting their event, 100 Gatherings, between January 26th and February 1st in Greater Vancouver. The event will bring together worship leaders and worshippers to pray, fellowship and worship Jesus Christ.  Registration is not required. 100 Gatherings will take place at the following locations, dates and times: VANCOUVER, BC // 26th JAN // 7.00pm // Tenth Church, 11 West…