Past Events (Page 26)

MBCCA English Good Friday Service

Every year, our church joins with other Mennonite Brethren churches in an English Ministry Good Friday service to remember Christ’s death. This year, the service will be held at Richmond Bethel MB Church. Please join us and invite your friends to reflect on and learn why we call this day Good Friday. At the same time,…

Godly Play Training

The speaker for this training is Pastor Anna Chui, the Children’s Pastor of Richmond Bethel MB Church. She will walk us through the process of worship using one of the Godly Play lessons. Come and enjoy the moment! Please contact Pastor Christina for registration and lunch arrangements.

Childcare First Aid Training

Children’s Ministry volunteers, parents, and grandparents are all welcome. This training is conducted in Cantonese in Room 1 & 2.  The fee is $80. For registration, sign up at the Children’s Ministry board or contact Pastor Christina directly.

Annual General Meeting of 2016

For all members of this church, please schedule time to attend our important AGM. A light lunch will be provided on this day. Agenda: Call to Order / Opening Prayer Adoption of 2016 Annual General Meeting Agenda Adoption of 2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes Department Reports Q&A Presentation / adoption of 2015 Financial Reports (General,…

Farewell to Fritz Baylen

Everyone is welcome to come to this party to show your appreciation and to bless Fritz and Tracy as they will move to their new chapter of their lives.  A sign-up sheet for lunch preparation is on the bulletin board.

Missions Fest

Mission Fest will be held in Canada Place.  The theme of this year is “Being or Doing?” Activities include sessions given by different featured speakers, a film festival, a youth rally, seminars, mission organization exhibits, etc.  

Bible Conference

Speaker: Dr. Gordon Smith, President; Professor of Systematic & Spiritual Theology Ambrose University, Calgary. Friday, January 29, 7:30pm-9:00pm Saturday, January 30, 9:00am-3:00pm “The Voice of Jesus: Learning to Listen Sunday, January 31, 2:00pm-5:00pm “Discerning Vocation: Recognizing God’s call Through the Transitions of Life and Work” Registration: Download registration forms from Fee: $40 per person…

First Aid Training for Child Caregivers

This first aid training will be conducted by the Red Cross. Participants that successfully complete the training will become certified caregivers to young children (infants to 5 years up). The cost is $80/person. To register, please contact Joyce Chung or the Church Office.

55th Winter Conference

This year’s Winter Conference theme is “Beacon of Hope, Safe to Shore”.  The speakers are  Mike Palompo (English Adults), Mark Palompo (Teens), and Dr. Philemon Choi (Cantonese).  Everyone is encouraged to join. Registration Dates: Regular deadline: November 15, 2015, $460.00 Late deadline: December 1, 2015, $500.00 For more information and online registration, please visit *Our…

Children’s Dedication Ceremony

The Children’s Dedication Ceremony will be held during our EM/CM Joint Christmas service. Parents who have children aged 0 to 5 years old and who want to commit to raising their children by God’s word and teachings are welcome to register.  Application forms are available in the church foyer.  Please complete and return the form…