Past Events (Page 25)

Lunch with English Pastoral Candidate

Several months ago, the English pastoral search committee received an application from Brother Ryan McDonald for the position of English pastor. After the first interview with him, the English pastoral search committee decided to propose him to the deacon board. After three further meetings with Ryan by the deacon board and Pastor Enoch, they feel…

Visiting a Jewish Synagogue

June is our mission month! The Mission Department is organizing a tour to visit the Jewish synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel. Pastor Enoch will be leading us to visit the synagogue and attend a Sabbath day worship. Afterwards, we’ll have lunch together in the synagogue. An assigned person from the synagogue will give a briefing on…

WSB: The Joy of Our Salvation

Willingdon church will be conducting the  course, Gospel of Luke (WSB313), for 4 weeks from May 26th to June 30th (May 26, 30 and June 3, 6, 10, 13, 16). The course will be taught by Thomas Dolhanty. For more details, please refer to our bulletin board in the foyer or register online at

Farewell Lunch for Pastor Christina Chung

A farewell lunch will be held on May 8, 2016 (Mother’s Day Sunday) from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Brothers and sisters are welcomed to attend to show their appreciation and send their best wishes to Pastor Christina.

Play to Learn, Learn to Play

Our Children’s Department will set up a booth in this family friendly event for children ages 0 to 6 at the Cameron Recreation Complex. Admission is free. Please invite your friends and neighbours to come! For more information, visit

Disaster Management Training

We encourage deacons, department heads, fellowship leaders, Children’s Ministry helpers, worship helpers, or all those who are willing to participate in disaster handling to attend. The training is free and space is limited to 50 people. A signup sheet will be available by April 10, 2016.

Belkin House Outreach

Our church will continue our Belkin House Outreach Ministry to express God’s love to the poor or street people through preparing food for them, or expressing care through personal chatting or prayer. A visitation is planned on May 5, 2016 (Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We’re hoping to recruit 10 people to participate…

Easter and Baptismal / Membership Transferal Service

We will have a joint Easter and Baptismal / Membership Transferal service with the Chinese Ministry on March 27, 2016. A joint Children’s worship will also be held at the same time. Parents, please bring your children to Rooms 1 & 2 for the worship. Sunday School for the Children’s, Chinese, and English Ministries are…

AWANA Easter Theme Night

Join us for this fun-filled AWANA Easter Theme Night! This free event is open to children from 0-12 years old. Activities include an egg hunt, crafts, games, and story time.If you wish to attend, please register online.