Past Events (Page 24)

“God in my _____” Testimony Sharing

We would like to invite you to come and listen to what God has been doing in and through the life of our brother Freeman Lam this past few years. It will be a night of sharing and music. All are welcome! The event will start at 8 PM this Friday August 26th at Burnaby…

Fundraising for Short-Term Missions

Update: The 2016 BC inland short-term mission team thank brothers and sisters for their support during the fundraiser held two Sundays ago. A special thanks to the “Dating with Mrs. Chow” team for their craft contribution. The total raised is $1,210.00 to be used completely in this mission ministry trip. — This morning between 9:30 am…

Vancouver East Challenge 2016

The Vancouver East Challenge is a local mission activity jointly organized by OM Canada and Vancouver Pacific Grace Church. The challenge will last for a total of 8 days from August 14th  to 21st . From Monday to Saturday, 9:00 am to 8:30 pm, participants will attend a morning session to learn about the religions of Islam,…

For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship

This is a worship seminar organized by Willingdon Church from August 3rd-6th. Dr. Daniel Block of Wheaton Graduate School will give a comprehensive teaching on different issues related to worship from the Bible. The cost is $85, which includes materials, two hot breakfasts, and two lunches. Visit for more details or to register.

Church Cleaning Day

The House Affairs Department is holding a cleaning day to clean our church storage and chairs, get rid of garbage, and complete minor maintenance. We encourage brothers and sisters to come help on this morning. Lunch will be provided. For more details, please talk to House Affairs Department Head Hal Tang or Deacon Lawrence Lo.

Church-Wide Picnic

This year’s church-wide picnic will take place at Deas Island Regional Park.  It will be a good opportunity to fellowship with EM/CM members. You are welcomed to invite friends or relatives. To register, please contact your fellowship leader or, if you’re not part of a fellowship, you can sign up on the sheet posted in the church foyer. Stay tuned…

Appreciation Luncheon and Retreat for Music Ministry

UPDATE: To encourage more participants for this event, the date has been changed to July 10, 2016. Please reserve the time for this retreat or sign up with Vivian Chui or Mandy Lai — All brothers and sisters serving in the Music Ministry are invited to join the appreciation luncheon on May 15, 2016 (Sunday)…

Transit Rally

Trek is hosting a Transit Rally and would like to invite all of you to join! A Transit Rally is like a mashup of the Amazing Race and a scavenger hunt. Things you need to know:  There will be FOOD! Dinner will be served! It will be lots of FUN!!! There will be PRIZES!!! There…

Silver Jubilee Celebration Concert

This concert is organized by the Vancouver Oratorio Society and Vancouver Church Joint Choir. The performance will include all time favorites conducted by Kemuel Wong and other conductors. For more details and to reserve your tickets, please visit You can also view the event poster in the church foyer.

Joint Sunday School

This month is Missions month. The Mission Department has organized a joint Sunday School led by Sherman Chan, the secretary of MOSAIC Organization. Sherman will share the topic,  “Love Your Neighbors: How to Reach Out and Care for Refugees?” next Sunday.