Past Events (Page 19)

Meet Seelan Govender

OM Ships International’s new CEO will come and share the vision for the least reached at this evening event. The event will be held over two day at two different locations. Dessert will be served. There is no registration free, but RSVP via email to or call 604-726-2010 for details.

Operation Christmas Child Boxes

AWANA and the Missions Department are encouraging everyone to pick up a shoebox (or more) in the gym after service for Operation Christmas Child. Please fill the shoeboxes with brand new toys, toiletries, and other items for a child of the age and gender selected and $10 for postage. Samaritan’s Purse will distribute the shoeboxes…

MB Study Conference – Discipleship

The Mennonite Brethren Conference of Canada is holding their annual study conference from Nov 1-3 in Abbotsford, BC at Northview Church. The theme of the conference this year will be discipleship. If you would like to attend, please speak to Pastor Ryan.

King’s Table

The English Ministry will be hosting a King’s Table on October 29, 2017 with the proceeds going to IVCF at SFU. We encourage you to come and bring everyone you can! Lunch is by donation with a suggestion donation of $10. If you want to help with lunch, please contact Pastor Ryan.

Baptism and Membership

On October 8th, Thanksgiving Sunday, there will be an opportunity to be baptized or transfer your membership to BPGC. If you’re interested in being baptized or transferring your membership, please talk to Pastor Ryan for more information.

Bump-a-Friend Photo Contest

  Did you take photos during Bump-a-Friend Day? If so, submit your best picture for a chance to win a prize! Send your submissions to Photos are due by September 24, 2017. Winners will be announced on October 1, 2017.

BPGC Bump a Friend Day

UPDATE: Bump-a-Friend Day is next Sunday! It will occur rain or shine. Please remember that this is a picnic in the park, and we will be on a grassy field. To prepare for the day, we have created a list of items for you to bring to enhance your experience at the picnic. Location: Burnaby…

YAM Equip Night

On September 8th we will be having a YAM Equip event at South Vancouver Pacific Grace with Keith Reed. The theme will be, “Add Oil: Fill Yourself Up so You can Fill Up Others”. The event will start 7:00 pm. Please see Pastor Ryan for more information.

Surrey Refugee Center Visit

On Aug 25 we will be heading to the Surrey Welcome Center from 7 to 9 pm. It will be a time of sharing and growth as we hear about their work helping refugees. All are invited.

Fire Drill

Please note that BPGC will be holding a fire drill on August 20 during EM Sunday school time.