Due to the current pandemic situation, a proposal has been made to freeze the current deacon board for one year into 2021, instead of holding a deacon election this year upon finding an election committee.
由於目前疫症大流行的情況,提議將今屆的執事會凍結一年至2021年, 取替今年的執事選舉。
With the exception of Amina who will step down (whom we thank for 4 years of diligent service!), the deacons that would remain active in 2021 would be: David Sin, Vivian Chui, Alan Choi (all three could step down but have graciously agreed to stay), and Kelvin Poon, Andrew Yeung (second year of term)
除了伍馬詩欣Amina Ng缷任外(我們感謝她4年的忠心事奉),其餘執事將延任組成2021年執事會,包括: 忻偉康執事David Sin, 崔林文慧執事Vivian Chui, 蔡廣源執會Alan Choi (這三位本已任期完滿,但仍然同意留任), 還有潘嘉宏執事Kelvin Poon, 楊浩賢執事Andrew Yeung (第二年任期)。
Please submit any questions or concerns by November 29th using the following link:
對此動議, 若有任何問題或意見, 歡迎填寫以下表格, 於11 月 29 日前提交執事會:
Note: We will not be hosting any in person or virtual meeting, with the following as the only motion to be voted for SGM. As a trust vote, passing would require a minimum of 75% support from all valid ballots cast by members.
注意:執事會不會舉辦任何實體或網上會議,以下是特別會友大會投票通過的動議 。作為信任投票,需要會友投出的所有有效選票至少獲得75%贊成票,方可通過。
‘Motion to freeze the current deacon board except Amina, authorizing the remaining active deacons into 2021: David Sin, Vivian Chui, Alan Choi, Kelvin Poon, Andrew Yeung’ (Motioned: Enoch Yim, Seconded: David Sin)
“凍結現屆執事會,除伍馬詩欣執事外,授權現屆執事會廷任到2021年, 包括: 忻偉康執事David Sin, 崔林文慧執事Vivian Chui, 蔡廣源執會Alan Choi, 潘嘉宏執事Kelvin Poon, 楊浩賢執事Andrew Yeung (由嚴牧師動議, 忻偉康執事和議)”
Voting Proxy Form 投票表格: https://tinyurl.com/2020sgmvote
Voting Deadline 投票截止日期: December 5th (noon) 12月5日(中午)