Church Blog (Page 52)

Offering Record for 2019

The individual offering records for the calendar year 2019 are posted on bulletin board in the church foyer. Please review your records or contact our church secretary Louise Lau immediately if you have any questions or your info changed, such as your address. Tax receipts for 2019 will be issued according to the amount posted.

Symbis Premarital Course Registration Now Open

Dating? Thinking about marriage? Engaged? Marriage is a serious, life-long covenant, that embodies the beautiful love between husband and wife and also the love of God for us. A couple should never go into marriage ill-prepared and without consideration. To prepare couples, we are now offering Premarital counselling through SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It…

Appreciation Gifts

The church has prepared a small gift to show our appreciation to those who served in various BPGC ministries in 2019. If you haven’t picked one up last Sunday, you can pick one up today from the church foyer. Thank you for your time and energy in serving our God and church community!

Expense Reimbursement

If you have any expenses for church ministry in 2019 and have not been reimbursed for them, please fill out and submit your claim form with receipt(s), and filing it in the related department mail slot for dept. head’s approval. All expenses need to be completed prior to the end of December in order to…


The 2020 Flower Offering Calendar is now posted. If you would like to make an offering for the church flower arrangements to commentate significant days such as birthday, anniversaries etc. Please write your name next to the week on the calendar in the foyer. Each offering is $30.